
an iPad Air

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Hello Creators!

The AI Storytelling

Challenge 2024

Make your own movie

using Gen AI

Welcome to an era of mobile storytelling.

Smartphone frame mobile icon outline

Watch this samp​le

An​d do your own thing

Us​e any tool, any media, any story...

Dive into the cinematic universe of Shahrukh ​Khan with AI!


Best movie award

iPad Air

  • One iPad Air
  • For the most innovative and ​captivating film.
  • Your submission will be ​evaluated based on creativity, ​storytelling, technical skill, and ​adherence to the theme.

most loved trailer

Apple AirPods

  • Use any generative AI tool ​to bring your vision to life.
  • We will upload on our ​Insta and attract likes.
  • Most liked video trailer ​wins the award.

10 most loved projects

Apple EarPods

  • Runner-ups win an ​Apple earpod.
  • 10 winners decided ​based on jury and ​popularity.

FAQs >


Pick a SRK ​movie ​universe

Discuss with ​us and get ​feedback

Submit and ​get votes

FAQs >

Write a ​script and ​make a ​trailer

Make your ​AI movie

Win prizes

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Generative ​AI Film ​Challenge ​2024

Let your imagination take flight with AI.

Join us in this exciting competition where ​creativity meets technology.

We're inviting designers, filmmakers, and AI ​experts to craft an animated movie using ​generative AI tools, featuring the legendary ​Shah Rukh Khan.

Your mission?

To create a narrative set in the universe of ​any of Shah Rukh Khan's iconic films - but ​with a twist of your own!

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What we're​ looking for​

Creativity & originality

How does your film bring a fresh perspective to Shah Rukh ​Khan's universe? A catchy gripping story, using AI.

Technical mastery

How effectively do you wield AI tools to tell your story? ​Generate images, create sounds, animate them...


How compelling and engaging is your narrative? We love videos., ​will we love yours?

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Ready to create film magic?

Your journey begins now!

Let's revolutionize storytelling with AI and ​celebrate the legacy of Shah Rukh Khan!

backed by India’s ​top VC firm

backed by th​e Indian Fil​m Fraternit​y

Competition Start Date

Jan, 14th 2024

Trailer Submission Date

Feb 28th 2024

Transparent Gradient Vignette

Terms, conditions & FAQs​

Ensure your film is original and complies with all le​gal guidelines. Dive into our detailed terms and FAQs for m​ore insigh​ts.

FAQs >

Got questions? We're here to​ help.​

Contact us at:

Join our community at ​